Testudo kleinmanni LORTET, 1883 - Die Ägyptische Landschildkröte

Die faszinierende kleine Schönheit Nordafrikas und Israels

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Testudo kleinmanni LORTET, 1883 – The Egyptian tortoise is a rare beauty, that lives in the north of Africa and Israel. Females reach sizes between 11 and 13 cm, males between 10 and 11 cm, at an average weight of 300 g (females) and 150 g (males). This makes it the second smallest tortoise species in the world. With its beautiful yellowish tan coloring and the particularly high arched shape, it is fascinating enthusiasts in a special way. Adapted to an extreme climate in its habitats, it is considered extremely sensitive and makes high demands on the maintenance in human care.
Testudo kleinmanni Egyptian tortoise

On this homepage I want to provide the most important facts about the way of life of Testudo kleinmanni in the natural habitat and introduce my breeding in a terrarium, which is based on the  nature model.

I am glad that you visit my homepage! Have fun browsing, reading and watching pictures :)

Best regards, Franziska Schlorf
