Testudo kleinmanni LORTET, 1883 - Die Ägyptische Landschildkröte

Die faszinierende kleine Schönheit Nordafrikas und Israels

The Egyptian Tortoise Testudo kleinmanni LORTET, 1883

A fascinating little beauty

The authors: Franziska Biedenweg and Ricarda Schramm

260 pages, 266 illustrations

Price: 29,80€

The book is available directly from the Tartaruga publishing house Ricarda Schramm: Web address https://www.tartaruga-verlag.de. There you will also find samples for a first impression. In addition to the necessary information about the way of life in the natural distribution areas various posture options are shown for the care in human custody, necessary technology is explained. Informations about nutrition, reproduction and incubation, rearing and much more useful tips are given and own experiences are described. An annual care plan - also for removal - supports handling during the year.
